High Honor Monday Message

If anything costs you your peace of mind, IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE!

We must understand that life will life, people are going to do what they want to do. Be it your children, family, friends, colleagues, and strangers. Let go of the need to control everything and everyone. Only focus on what God has called you to do.

August 13, 2023


For so  many years I have racked my brain trying to decide the direction I wanted the High Honor brand to go. All I knew was that I wanted to be able to use my life experiences to help the next person. Today out of the blue I was reminded to just start from where I am at. That cliche, everyday used statement, really resonated at that moment. I raced to my destination, plugged in my laptop, and couldn't wait to log in and write this blog. Of course, I will more than likely do a few edits before publishing, but it just feels so good to have a place to start.

Although the significance of this realization inspired me to finally understand the direction of the High Honor brand and the encouragement to write this blog, I would be remanenced if I didn't say that it goes so much deeper than that. Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, but lacked the drive, motivation, or even confidence to take it on? It's like you have these ideas in your mind, but some part of you always delays the initiation process. We tell ourselves that there's not enough time, or that we don't have all the tools needed to start. What if we actually just started from where we are? What if we use the bigger picture as the motivating factor, yet explore all possibilities and actually enjoy the journey that gets us to our destination.

For me this is so important. There were times where I would look back over my life and the memories would seem like a big blur or the impact wasn't as significant. A few years ago I entered a state of self-reflection. I had to legit let go of all habits and even cut connections with certain people and places. I even stopped wearing makeup and wigs/weaves. I was truly stripped to my to my true self, both inward and outward.  In that time I experienced a lot of loneliness and confusion. When you are so use to ripping and running and being dependent of others needing you to feel some sense of connection and belongingness, it can be a major shock when you have to legit sit with yourself and  your thoughts. I must say that once that initial "shock" wears off, you really do begin to experience a certain peace that is really hard to put into words. I will forever cherish that feeling. In that time, God allowed me to truly see how the events in my life were destined to play out the way that they did in order to get to the place that I am today. 

All in all, we have to stop overcomplicating things. Take chances and JUST GET UP. We may never reach the point where we have "everything" we need to pursue our purposes. But who says we won't pick those things up along the way.